The esteemed PM has admitted things are not improving, but we knew that already.
I have to hope there will be some light at the end of the tunnel in 2013, preferably not a train coming the other way.
So, in 2012, I started a blog - a start, but must try harder.
I joined a book club, but work commitments meant I couldn't get to the meetings on time. Put this one on the back burner and maybe try again in the future.
Got myself a new hobby - quilting, love this, but such a big learning curve!
2012 was also the year I turned 50. It still sounds so old.
NYE won't see me partying. I'll just let the year slip away, thankful it's over.
I haven't, strictly speaking, made any new year resolutions, but things have to change.
Einstein famously said the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. I'll try to remember this in 2013.
Happy New Year to all.